THE ELECTION 2020 and the Republican Revolution

The election continues and yes the Democrats cheated, they always do, let me explain it to you like you're in kindergarten, but first some thoughts.....

The Republican party is getting a new and improved populist ideology while holding on to traditional values, but more importantly they are becoming the party of revolution and change. Not the kind of change Barack Obama wanted...communism, but a revolt against corruption and the plot to undo American liberty and a globalist power grab. The Republican party is THE PARTY of PATRIOTS and revolutionaries, again. They are Yankees fighting against the British monarchy. They are the abolitionists fighting against slavery and they are the DEFENDERS of the CONSTITUTION. Conservatives, some Republicans,  Trumpers, Democrats from the walkaway movement and MAGA's are now THE movement in American and the only one that matters. They are not just a wing of the Republican party, they are a tidal wave of individuals taking over a once confused party. They are a party with a mission and that mission is going to save the CONSTITUTION
Donald Trump represents what we all knew and feared, but ignored, the corruption in the United States GOVERNMENT fueled and protected by the media and big money PAC'S. Trump may not be the savior of our union, but he is absolutely the outsider that opened our eyes to a sleeping giant of secret combinations hiding and plotting among us. Whether or not you support Trump, you should open your eyes to the corruption and the blatant disregard for the CONSTITUTION. The old establishment Republicans and Democrats are knee deep in the deep state and if you don't see it, then you are no better than Vladimir Putin poisoning his rivals so they die and he has no opposition. It means that you believe that supporting a  superior ideology should go unchallenged and should rule WITHOUT QUESTION. Welcome to Draconian politics and a police state vis-à-vis  Nazi Germany. The exchange of views and debate is dead in America and the free flow of ideas being tagged as misinformation by a select few is not how a free society should behave. 
No one on the left wants to discuss political ideas, they only want the government to solve all their problems and the media to pacify their indignant feelings. Wanting to stifle all dialog and debate absolutely frustrates freedom and self-determination and it is contrary to American values. Censorship and media bias is beyond infringing on all of our rights and until we all wake up and demand it TO STOP, it will continue. Politics should never supersede the constitutional foundation of our Republic. 
What happens to a government that is not held accountable? They lie. What happens to a government that is protected from maleficence? They cheat. What will a politician become without a watchdog? A traitor. Why is ideological allegiance more important than truth, facts, integrity and moral fortitude? Because you have been brainwashed. Why do so many stay loyal to corruption? Because they adhere to what they deem as the greater good known as communism masked as equality and they fear the mob. When the media protects politicians from their blatant missteps, misdeeds, dishonesty and all forms of iniquity, THEY ARE ENEMIES OF THE STATE!! They are partners in AMERICA'S destruction!
Republicans are waking up and we can only hope that Democrats will follow suit. Republicans are calling out their own while Democrats support unequivocally and foolishly their CORRUPT leaders because of blind hatred, the very thing they pretend to be against. Basically there are those who are fooled by elitist philosophies of academia and the media and there are those who are NOT. Half of Americans see the chains the leftist academics and media moguls are tightening and at the same time filling the pockets of "trained Marxists" and corrupt politicians. They are snakes treading on America's flag, liberties,  ideals and the CONSTITUTION. If you voted for Joe Biden, you voted for rhetoric, corruption, treason, the CCP,  Hollywood morality or lack there of and a litany of betrayals by our government and the media. The rights of all Americans should be a concern to every American and those on the right will never listen to your systemic racism cries until you stop censoring our voices. Fight for freedom for all Americans and we will join you. 
The Republican party will continue to be the party to promote the fight for our Union. I am pleading for Democrats to join the fight for America, and if you refuse, it's fine. We got it, but just know that when we say we told you should absolutely feel like a dumbass. 
As for the cheating....
You can show video, affidavits, eye-witness testimony, data analysis and computer forensic results and Democrats would still say: There's no proof. So on to the SCOTUS.....See you in the trenches of truth vs. lies. There was no Russian collusion, the media protects Democrats so why wouldn't they cheat? They can, so they do. That's all the evidence I need. See you in the trenches. God Bless America and Donald Trump is not through, not by a long shot! 


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