Never Trumper to Always Trumper

 My journey to support President Trump was nothing short of being forced into doing research and paying attention. What happened that changed my mind? It was the pandemic. Now let me preface this by acknowledging a few things, for the sake of those who will attempt a captain obvious rebuttal. And when I say acknowledge, I'm saying not only that I am aware, but also that those things are true.....ish. But in essence, they don't matter. Take off your, I can only vote for a politician with character hat and wake up. I wore that hat for far too long. That hat is a self-righteous lie that falls somewhere in between, I know the inner workings of the government and the soul of men. And by men, I also mean women.....calm down. I supported these sanctimonious, no skeletons in the closet politicians and guess what? They are part of the establishment, the swamp and the old time policy makers that don't do anything but make backroom deals to pass their do nothing legislation. How is that having character? It's no different than womanizing and adultry. Cheating and lying to voters is also infidelity. So Trump was a billionaire playboy with sins a mile long.....but guess what? What he knows and what he does is far more interesting to me than his tumultuous past. Moses was no saint, and yet.....
I think we can all agree that Trump isn't the prettiest talker. He's a lousy speech giver and a terrible communicator. He was for sure a womanizer, an adulterer and is a huge egomaniac. He will sell himself as the GOAT and to some that is off-putting, but when you join the Trump train, it's endearing....well, somewhat, but it's always funny. There are times when I cringe when he speaks and occasionally I wish he would just stay out of the limelight for at least an hour. It's too early for Trump fatigue and he should be more aware of that American tradition. We're a fickle bunch, especially Gen Z who are our best Trumpites at the moment. Let's all agree that Trump is an asshole, but he's our asshole. 
In the world of draconian politics is where I began to see the need for Trump. Not a day went by that I didn't watch his press briefing when the pandemic started, I would then change the channel to CNN or another cable news channel to get another take and guess what? THEY WERE'NT COVERING IT! Instead they were covering something else entirely and then having their experts and idiot commentators TELL ME what the President said. Why not show the press conference and let the viewer make up their own mind? Because they think we're stupid, and no offense if you only get your news from left wing apologists, you're a useful idiot. They would also edit the press conference to make it appear a certain way. WOW. I was blown away. The lies were so flagrant that it actually terrified me. Has the media become the enemy? It would appear so. I used to think I would get a thread of truth from these left leaning sources, but I am here to tell you, no. The bias has become so egregious that the news is not even reported, it is only opinion based and inflammatory commentators on these cable news channels. Fox news is barely pro-Trump at this point. You have to go to Revolver News to get any unbiased news about Washington. So I began to surf the details of his presidency to see what other STUPID lies I was being told and there were MANY. There is no doubt there are times that the President doesn't make it easy on his supporters to defend him.  That's an easy reconcile....admit it and move on to his accomplishments. I promise you if you can get past his persona and ego, he truly is a Jacksonian Populist and that my friends is another post. 
Trump is a doer, not a sayer. Biden is a sayer, and at this point not a very good one, and not a doer. Obama was the same. Yay, what a pretty speech Barack gave, ok so now what has he accomplished? Very little. The cult of personality was thick with that one and we all know that if it weren't for Barack Obama, Donald Trump would not be President. I'm not saying Trump hasn't made mistakes, he clearly has, but he has fought the media, the Democrat swamp, the Republican swamp, the FBI, the CIA, The DOJ and still accomplished more than Joe Biden in 47 years. Please DO NOT take my word for it, but get your head out of the swamp and look past the name calling long enough to see what is truth and not FAKE NEWS. 
Here are a few conservative news sources that will keep you at least informed of the other side. If you are only feeding your biases with your favorite newsies,  then you are more than misinformed. You are lying to yourself and that my friends is unacceptable. 



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