The left considers themselves the pastors of the hate church and they rigorously proselyte to the mindless few who buy into their cult of utopian wet dreams. They used to preach tolerance, love, kindness barf, barf, barf,  but those days are gone.  They never meant it, it was only a ploy to recruit those hypnotized by emotional rhetoric and a fear of leftist calumny labels. This dangerous mantra was and is a LIE. The elitist self-important mini dictators of speech have been exposed for the intolerant America haters that they are. Tolerance never was the intent and I don't have to inform the already informed that in the Maoist rules of accepted culture,  hatred is accepted and encourage when it comes to conservatives, republicans, Christians and any other group that dares confront their despotism. You must hate conservatives from all genres of people, including those from their own crayon box of diversity. If minorities and any other exploited group adheres to differing political ideals that are not approved by the gospel of Marxism, then the Democrats will cancel you. The Democrats demand total control of your thoughts and speech. You will not bow to natural law, you will bow to the state. Don't kid yourself into thinking that I am taking this to the extreme. Maoist principles are running amok in America disguised as equality. The state should never infringe on freedom in the name of equality and yes they are different things. 
Do conservatives hate leftist Americans who are trying to destroy liberty? Absolutely! But we don't claim to be the Sultans of hate. We don't fight for Maoist Democrats to be erased from our social media feeds. We do the opposite. We fight for your right to preach your ridiculous, fascist, elitist and self-aggrandizing ideology. You are fighting to shut us down and while you try to erase conservative values from American dialogue, we are growing stronger and many are fleeing your cause and joining the fight to save America. 
It's annoying to those aiding and abetting our enemies that 80 million of us are awake. The left and some on the right are inexplicitly emboldened because they perceive that they are winning and they have exposed themselves. We see your works of darkness and deception. We see your lies and hunger for power. We see you promoting evil as if it is grandiosity of progress. We see your demands for obedience to grotesque fiats. We recognize your grasping of power because of your perception of self nobility. In reality, you don't hate a select few, you hate America and her liberty. Choice often yields less than perfection and someone who knows better should be able to infringe on those who are not as enlightened. The left and their followers want to be told how to behave and don't mind being acted upon. They dislike the American ideal of the people being able to act for themselves when they know a better way. They crave utopian perfectionism and yet, they foster a secularist regime that is diabolical and oppressive. Go figure. 
The left has perceived that they have power because they have a state run media.  The MSM is their propaganda machine, all authoritarian regimes have one. They control social media and big corporations involved with China interestingly enough, are using intimidation tactics to influence legislation and state policy....this is called an oligarchy and it's fascism. How is it that all major league sports are funded by Nike who has sweat shops aka slavery in China all while crying about social justice in America? Do NBA players wear Nike sponsored gear? It's disgusting. Did you ever stop to think about the propaganda seen around the world in American media?? The propagandized racism hymn against Asians, blacks and any minority is being used to weaken American moral authority on the world stage. We now have no legitimate command to decry genocide, slavery and human trafficking spreading quicker than a Coronavirus mandate. Our world reputation is now such that those in the UN and other global organizations will be justified in aggressive measures against the US. How do we defend Democracies around the world when we ourselves are a global threat? America and American citizens are being slandered by our own government, media and fellow citizens. Our own media calls white conservative Christian Americans racist, not just some but....all. If you are white you are a white supremacist, no if ands or buts.  Not only does it instill fear and compliance from white Americans, it divides us. We should all be angry about the corruption in the media and our government. And why are they destroying America? Money. They are traitors. Sounds extreme? Not from where I sit. Are there problems with racial injustice and inequality? Yes, but it's called economic privilege and political privilege. 
Money is the driver and it will be what the powerful use to convince and blackmail the greedy American traitor to destroy us. But to completely destroy America, you must destroy your opposition, and who is the opposition to the traitorous left? Conservatives.  
Yes there is hate in America and there always will be because humans are flawed. We must protect human agency but teach correct principles of morality based on Natural law. We are all God's children, but for some reason the left seems to think they are Saviors to the oppressed in a country where millions are trying to immigrate to for freedom and opportunity, let that settle in. You'd have to think you are pretty special to deem yourself a social justice warrior. How about you practice what you preach and treat people as equals and not as serfs in need of a protagonist. Yes, the biggest hate group using the most hate speech in America is the DEMOCRATS. 


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