Republicans and Democrats: The Difference


I like the direction the Republican party is going. They are becoming far more populist driven and less cold and distant as some view the party as nothing but aristocracy and privilege. The emerging party of elitism, cronyism, and blatant Machiavellianism, is yes, The Democrats. They are the party of do what I say because I am smarter, richer, ivy league educated and more special than you. Their angry and entitled constituents consist of indoctrinated puppets who inherently have a strange hero complex. They inject themselves into tribalism mindsets and feel superior because they are symbolically advocating for the serfs. They innately do nothing but lip service for those to whom they fraudulently market their opinions as activism, then they go back to their lives of victimology and faux outrage. Their virtue signaling knows no bounds as they claim moral superiority and at the same time champion full term abortions. 
Jacksonian politics are fascinatingly pertinent and attractive to the modern political environment and Trump is creating a new and improved party based on these principles. The aristocrats in the ruling class are emboldened and they are criminally taking over the Democratic party. Democrats are no longer the party for the working class, they are the party of tax them and they'll think it's for their own good. If any able bodied Democrat with a pulse would open their eyes, they would see that they are agreeing to high taxes with no benefit. They are dogs chewing on their own foot and crying at the same time. Useful idiots. 
Here are the differences I see in the parties:

Republicans: Believe in personal responsibility
Democrats: Believe in justified irresponsibility

Republicans: Believe individuals should be charitable
Democrats: Believe they are charitable because they call on the government take care of those in need 

Republicans: Believe in free speech
Democrats: Believe in censorship and speech that isn't part of the left agenda should be scrubbed from the web unless it's pornography 

Republicans: See what is right with America 
Democrats: See what is wrong with America  

Republicans: Love America
Democrats: Hate America

Republicans: Want to educate and teach against societal ills 
Democrats: Want the government to force morality except when it comes to full term abortion and other Judeo-Christian values

Republicans: See patriotism as love of country
Democrats: See patriotism as xenophobia

Republicans: Love freedom
Democrats: Love forced equality 

Republicans: Think looting and destroying lives is not activism
Democrats: Appease those who destroy cities as justifiably angry

Republicans: Want small government and fiscal responsibility
Democrats: Want big government and a nanny state 

Republicans: Support a free market system with the flow of ideas and capitalism
Democrats: Support Socialism, government imposed regulation and the crippling of ideas

Republicans: Have an America first world view
Democrats: Want globalism and a new world order

Republicans: Accept others differences and are willing to discuss others ideas
Democrats: Will not accept other philosophies and deem them as hate speech

Republicans: Believe in God
Democrats: Believe in Government

Republicans: Believe in Science and faith
Democrats: Worship science

Republicans: Believe in Law and order
Democrats: Believe that the rule of law infringes on their rights even when breaking the law

Republicans: Believe the Constitution rules our nation
Democrats: Believe politicians rule our nation

Republicans: Are against sex trafficking
Democrats: Are against sex trafficking as long as those fighting it don't support Donald Trump

Republicans: Believe all women should be equal
Democrats: Believe only liberal and leftist women should be equal

Republicans: Believe in strong borders and a vetting process for naturalization
Democrats: Believe we should let anyone in America including criminals because they will translate into votes

Republicans: Believe that the integrity of the election process should be sound
Democrats: Think cheating to win is for the greater good

Republicans: Do not believe the media and scrutinize right leaning sources
Democrats: Believe everything the media says except for moderate and conservative sources 

Republicans: Think for themselves and accept individuality
Democrats: Are group thinkers and ostracize those who don't agree 100% with the group

Republicans: Go to church
Democrats: Go to brunch

Republicans: Are diverse
Democrats: Are liberal white females who hate white men, are saviors to minorities and drink lattes and are named Karen

Republicans: Don't like to be bossed around and love freedom
Democrats: Are bossy mostly because they believe in a dictatorial lifestyle and government

Republicans: Live and let live
Democrats: Want you to live as they do

Republicans: Believe in natural law
Democrats: Believe in secularism

Republicans: Believe in LIFE LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS should extend to the unborn
Democrats: Believe the unborn are not humans

Republicans: Believe in ideas and have a platform to solve problems
Democrats: Don't

Republicans: Support the 2nd amendment
Democrats: Support criminals in autonomous zones having guns but not law abiding citizens who want to defend themselves and their families

Republicans: Believe we can win elections with our ideas
Democrats: Have no ideas so they disparage the opposition and cheat

Republicans: Believe all people are intelligent and can become successful
Democrats: Believe minorities need government assistance to become successful

I could go on and I will add to this list as time goes on and if any of you think of more differences LET THEM BE KNOWN! I will add them!! 


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