The Soul Of America and Other Big Fat Lies from Biden Supporters

I have read several manifestos by Biden supporters touting civility, kindness, tolerance, barf, barf, barf. That couldn't be a bigger LIE. How many times have I been unfriended, blocked, sent a text regarding my non-support of BLM, bitched out, corrected, flipped off, told to eff off, smeared and judged for being a Trump supporter? Really you're voting for kindness?? You mean when you called me a racist, self-loathing female, homophobe, xenophobe, Nazi and many other disparaging things? Or when Amy Coney Barrett was nominated to the Supreme court and you called her an affront to all women to the point the Girls Scouts of America withdrew their tribute to her because of so much harassment? Or is that kindness you speak of when you demanded the firing of Roseanne Barr because she expressed her views? Or did you show that virtue when you ignored the lives taken and destroyed by looting and rioting all in the name of civil rights? Or did you sling your love at my son when you painted graffiti on his car calling him a racist because of his Trump flag? Or was that civility you profess coming from  Joe Biden saying shut-up man or Kamala Harris condescendingly declaring that she's talking? That kindness? Or when the DNC came up with a fake story claiming Donald Trump won the election because of Russian collusion, which IS A LIE and because of that lie they tried to impeach him, that precious hug? Or is that soul you claim to have based on the money Joe received from China to influence US/China policy, that soul? Or when you support or cover-up pedophilia on pedo island, human trafficking and try to destroy the Underground Railroad operation because they support the wall and Donald Trump? That act of civility is one of my favorite. I guess the biggest act of kindness is the infanticide you claim is a women's health issue, that's so nice guys. Here's the ABORTION WORLDOMETER so you can keep a count of the lives you so fervently care about because you are so scrupulously full of love that you deny the extremely vulnerable, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 
Maybe it was when Joe Biden, in between sniffing kids, yelled at a fat guy and challenged him to do push ups because he didn't like his question, that Joe Biden with the pure as the driven snow soul. There's more from that cold, dark and corrupt soul, but I only have so much time and you'll ignore his misdeeds anyway.
It's interesting that all speech from the right is deemed hate speech, by the left. Way to pave the way to a one party system called communism and tyranny. It's not about being kind, it's about being in power. It's easy to shut people up when you make these kinds of accusations. You shut them up and soon after, the laws begin to reflect it. I support Trump=Hate speech. Hate speech then becomes dangerous to our democracy, which we are NOT. Certain speech SOON becomes censored and forbidden by law. It's so fun listening to Democrats say they love the constitution while they rip it to shreds. The constitution they love is that one part where abortions are legal, that's about it. 
We now have social media outlets censoring our speech in the name of civility and disinformation protections, as if they are the saviors of our pathetic brains. They decide what is disinformation, which is usually information that doesn't shine kindly on Joe Biden and his Democratic monarchs. The word "disinformation" is used as a litmus for censorship, only it's not disinformation, it's conservative views and disparaging information about the criminality of Democrats.  I am horrified that our country is being run by big tech and big media outlets owned by big tech who are all Democrats in sheep clothing. Democrats are the enemy of the state and if you don't know that by now, shame on you. 
The left and their smear campaign against it's citizens on the right, has changed into the nice campaign. It's such grotesque counterfeit virtue signaling that it makes me want to PUKE. If you are voting for Joe Biden here's the memo: You are not voting for kindness and the soul of America, you are voting for the most corrupt politician America has ever seen, other than his BFF Barak. If you don't believe me then get out of the CNN pot cloud and get angry that you have been duped by the media. The fake smear campaign against Donald Trump that has plagued his Presidency since 20 minutes after he was inaugurated. Yes, they tried to impeach him 20 minutes into his Presidency. If you think the old establishment, swamp politicians are the way to go, then yes, Biden is your man and a big thanks from all freedom loving Americans. You are swimming in a dirty swamp full of corruption that will shake you to your kind, lofty core when and if it ever comes to light and I, along with many others will be there to say, I TOLD YOU SO. Trump 2020, for the soul of America! Your kindness and virtue can kiss my ass. 


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