Republican Trump Haters

EVEN when I was in the never Trumper category, I WOULD NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER have voted for a Democrat. The Democratic party is basically a crime family, and you really don't know what you are voting for, which is why when you vote for them, it's really a vote AGAINST someone or something. I haven't met one Democrat the knows wtf their party is going to do for America in the next 4 years. Great. We all know that they are really just voting to protect criminals and corruption. 
Democrats stand for nothing. They have no platform but erroneous feelings and a deep dogma, to quote Diane Feinstein, of moral superiority. The platform is emotions first and let's find a group that is suffering and exploit them for votes, it's the Democratic way. Democrat constituents actually FEEL like they are making a difference in the world by voting Democrat. Wow it feels so good to NOT be a racist, to want to help the poor, to stand up for women, just by voting donkey. And then they go back to their latte's, housekeepers, eyelash appointments, LuLu Lemon shopping spree's, Botox injections, psychic readings and I'm pretty and sensitive Instagram posts all to suck you into voting for the inept party of do nothings. Here's your memo: You being a Democrat does not make you an activist, it makes you an elitist tool. We all want to live in a world where no one hates or discriminates against anyone based on gender, religion or race, but no such luck. People are sometimes bigots, it's called wickedness. Is it right for the government to force morality? If you answered yes, then why can't the government force the moral issue of abortion? I'll wait for your response. 
When a party has to find the lowest common denominator for votes it should be your first clue that they are hiding something. It's called a distraction. Portray a persona of caring, while behind the scenes the Democrats are creating a dictatorial government that will allow the elite to rule and then everyone will be equal, but poor. It's happening right before our eyes and the guilt ridden population is allowing it to happen. Why all the non-answer answers? The most terrifying thing in American society is the blatant hiding of criminal behavior by the Democrats and the media. Obama could not have been more protected. When you have a media that will hide and protect you from the smallest of mistakes, they will indeed hide a mountain of heinous criminal activity, thereby giving the Democrats the go ahead to cheat, lie, steal and commit treason, which they have. Why wouldn't they engage in backroom deals with foreign entities that will make them rich? There is NO ACCOUNTABILITY because the media is the great equalizer in a free society and when they deceive us, we are in trouble. 
The biggest difference between Republicans and Democrats is that when Republicans run for office they're already rich. Democrats become rich by running for public office. this should make us all pause and demand answers. Why isn't anyone questioning Joe Biden's wealth? Remember he was a poor boy from a poor family, spare him his life from this atrocity? That's the theme of the Democratic party and yet when they leave office they are wealthy. Shame the Republicans for being rich, become rich by treasonous deals with foreign countries.  
Republican Biden supporters are an interesting bunch. I know a few and for the sake of not offending them, I'll just say stop reading because I am about to be offensive. 
The number one reason why some Republicans are choosing to support Joe and his no idea plans for America, is because he is a better man than Trump....😏
I once had someone tell me they knew Donald Trumps heart and that statement made my skin crawl. Stop playing Jesus, it's politics. Vote on policy and platform because the people behind both ideological platforms are like the rest of us, flawed and in need of redemption. Those types of statements are more than sanctimonious, self righteous and are down right forms of intimidation. Just like when Mitt Romney used his religion and his self proclaimed high moral character to vote in favor of impeachment. That argument only works if your vote would have mattered Mr. Romney, it didn't. Mitt shamelessly promoted himself as morally superior and that is a big red flag that you are indeed.....compromised. Climb off your high horse and fake humility long enough to love America and what she stands for, because that is the morally correct decision. Donald Trump doesn't claim to be the exemplar you wish he was, but he loves America and that should be enough. 
The second reason is because they believe what the media has told them. In a naïve attempt to fit in, they have strangely aligned themselves with Hollywood, California, New York and big tech, all because they dislike Donald Trump. People are fleeing California and New York like rats from a sinking ship and what is it about that, that makes you think it's a good idea to have a Harris/Biden ticket in the White House? I need an explanation. Your moral fortitude is leading you to an America that looks like California all because Donald Trump has a bad personality and is morally inferior to Joe Biden?? Which he IS NOT. I only have to watch one video of him sniffing children to know that guy is not right. I only have to read one article about him sexually assaulting over 15 women to know that that guy is a predator. I only need to know that he cheated on his wife with his current wife to know he isn't St. Peter at the gate. Pro-segregation is not a family value, seems like he should be cancelled. I only need to hear and read about his dealings with the Ukraine, China and his questionable wealth, to know there's some criminal activity going on there. I don't need a warm fuzzy feeling falsely telling me that if I vote for Joe my friends won't think I'm a racist, sexist or a homophobe. He's all of those and more and yet, his supporters give him a pass....because they hate Trump. Interesting moral conversation going on in your heads. If you are voting for Joe with your friends in Hollywood who are either pedophiles or pedophile sympathizers, then you are not a heart whisperer, you are a sheep. 
I get tired of conversations about Donald Trump being a horrible human being like Joe Biden is an apostle. People hold on to their hate because it's hard to be wrong and it's even harder to defend what you fear when you really have no core values. A person with core values will always stand up for what is right without fear. It's not easy being a Trump supporter, but in the end, I know in my gut, heart and head that a vote for American is the right vote! 
Republicans turning on the party should be ashamed of themselves for choosing socialism, censorship, abortions rights beyond 2nd term, political crime and corruption that has plagued our country for decades, otherwise known as "the swamp." Democrats are anti-American, anti-religion, abhorrent Chinese apologists, tyrannical cancel culture enforcers, war mongers, in favor of government forced morality, thought police, nanny state fascists and the list goes on. The fact that Trump supporters are afraid in their own neighborhoods, family relationships or jobs to express freely their support is everything you need to know about DEMOCRATS. Socialism and communism are anti-Christian and anti-freedom. Freedom is the only vote and that vote is for Donald Trump! See I can shame you out of your support.....I learned that trick from the Democrats. 


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