Extreme HATE

What the left says they despise, is precisely who they are. Hatemongers and race baiters. One of the things that made me reexamine the Trump administration more fully, is the extreme hatred of him by the Democrats, more specifically the swamp leadership in the Democratic party, the left, some on the right, some Republicans, more specifically swamp leadership Republicans, the media, Hollywood and pretty much any sanctimonious outraged liberal. I began to see the hatred as beyond your typical political loathing. Deranged defaming is a red flag, It signals fear and not moral acuity. Let's analyze. 
I'm not a psychotherapist, but I do play one on my blog. 
Hatred usually involves a symbolic assassination of the person or thing you hate. The characterization has to be so egregious, that it justifies the constant and often delusional hate. Hate often becomes abuse. For example, a white supremacist hates a group of people based on race or religion so profusely, that they join an organization that fuels their demented abhorrence and all the horrific evils that go with it. This can only be done by cutting down the subject of their hate so maliciously that it becomes the rationalized theme for their vitriol. Humans have to demean until our hatred reaches beyond our natural capacity for compassion and empathy. I don't see how the constant disparaging of Donald Trump is any different.
The constant defaming is so viscous that now that the President has the Covid-19 virus, the peace tolerant and love crowd has been venomously spreading death jubilee and vile burn in hell tweets like they are St. Peter at the gate. Interesting. What justifies this condemnation? The constant media promotion that he is racist, sexist, homophobic and basically Hitler. Now all you suppliers of moral superiority can justify hating as if its the right thing to do. You can virtue signal your hatred of hate and even preach love, kindness and sufferance all while cutting off your friends and family because they disagree with your assessment of DT.  The piety and self-aggrandizement of Donald Trump hatred is something snatched out of  the Salem witch trials. Puritans of hate are in fact malignant imposters. Hate has groupies who feed their fandom of their righteous hate by hating Trump.  Hypocrisy is not new to Democrats. They troll about like they are the advocates for all things equal. But we know they are the worst kind of posers. They climb on the backs of misinformation and praise themselves for being agents of social change. But who they are is something much more sinister. Why the slander campaign against a man who was once the darling of the political world and entertainment industry? Could it be because of what he knows that terrifies them? I suspect yes. More on that later. But this is who the Democrats have become. They are the keepers of morality and the Saviors of those less fortunate. And yet it is the man they despise that has truly been the pragmatic populist the American people need. The moral grandstanding of the left is nauseating at best. White liberals are cult leaders that monitor your thoughts and words and only allow for their adherence or guess what....you're a whatever-ist. The campaign to destroy the Republican party has worked. Why is this happening? Because the Democrats don't want to share power, they want absolute power and that want has corrupted absolutely. If you hate Trump I challenge you to ask yourself why and go and find the evidence to back your fear. 
Can you imagine being the darling of the hip hop and rap industry only to run for President on the Republican ticket to now be called a racist? Can you imagine doing more for the black community than your Democrat predecessor, a black President, only to be called a racist? Can you imagine being asked incessantly if you denounce white supremacy, AND YOU HAVE 5000 times all to trap you while trying to get Joe Biden who is an actual bigot to denounce BLM violence? Can you imagine being the only President that has declared the KKK a terrorist organization and still be considered a racist? Can you imagine enacting The First Step Act that released over 1600 black inmates who were incarcerated for minor infractions for decades and were put there by legislation by Joe Biden and enforced by Kamala Harris only to be called a racist? 
If it makes you feel better to destroy the 2 party system in America by joining this FALSE NARRATIVE AND PROPAGANDA, then don't come crying to me when you are knee deep in the decline of your freedom and prosperity because you are in favor of a fascist ideology offered by the Democratic Party. 
I'm tired of the fake racism claims by the overactive "I am virtuous" glands of so many on social media. Even if you are not posting death to Donald openly, we know what your private conversations are saying. But here's the memo you need to get: STOP acting like you are an agent of kindness and tolerance. You are liars. Hate is hate. If you justify your HATE by believing a fraudulent media campaign to destroy the President, then not only are you a bigoted phony, but you are easily swayed by bullshit and pop culture trends. What's popular among the pedophilia and predatory filled Hollywood crowd is probably not your best source for virtue. Climb off the puritanical motives and self promotion for one second to look in the mirror and see that you are indeed a Salem witch hunter. God Bless Donald Trump. You are in my prayers as you fight a virus that was 100% created by China and their best friends, The Democrats to destroy America. 


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