The Democrats and their Branding Game


In the United States of America,  the land of the free and home of the brave, people are afraid to support Donald Trump....openly. Memo: When I say Democrats, the left or liberals, they are one in the same. I am SO OPPOSED to the Democratic party and what they have become, that I will absolutely not differentiate between the ideologies.
  Disclaimer: to my Democrat friends that I love, Whitney said it best "I will always love you" but I must be true to myself. I am speaking to the tribe, not to certain individuals. 
The Democrats have somewhat successfully branded Donald Trump a racist and any supporter of DT is also a racist. Any Trump flag or American flag for that matter, Trump hat, Trump bumper sticker, Trump yard sign, Trump tee-shirt, any show of patriotism etc., has been branded hate speech and racist not to mention all of the liberal favorites: sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, science-denier, misogynist, ignorant,  neo-Nazi, neo-con, bigot, religious fanatic and so on and so forth. We have been branded. I have had people ask me why I support a racist President, my response, how is Donald Trump racist? I'll wait for responses below. 
Usually the answer is that it's because he panders to the far right/alt-right of the party who are white supremacists. OK WOW.  Basically this is an attempt to shame you out of your opinions, beliefs and support of the Republican party and ultimately Donald Trump. For Millennials, that's a tough one. They don't like getting shamed, so they quietly question themselves and those who support DT. People my age?? Shame us. We don't care. Only the unprincipled cower to these claims. Usually those who are screaming the loudest about racism are knee deep in guilt. Surely they couldn't call DT a racist on a major news outlet if it wasn't true?! I will post articles about how President Trump NOT President Obama, has helped black communities and why his approval rating among blacks is at a Republican all time high. Get over it. You are wrong if you think he is a racist. The truth is that if you believe the hype and the marketing machine of the Democratic party then you are influenced by social media trends and pressures and that's embarrassing. You are being exploited and your inability to see the forest through the trees, so to speak, is a scary thing for America's future. Trust me I was you. 

The right is also guilty of name calling except, you guessed it, we're right. We name call, there is no doubt about it. But let's examine that. The names Democrats are being called right now by conservatives are: baby killers, communists, socialists, fascists, globalists, tyrants, libtards, leftists, Marxist, anarchist, feminazi, Antifa sympathizers, Godless, authoritarian, totalitarian, liars, cheaters (because you can't win elections if you have no solutions to anything and use fear to get votes and fake poll numbers) and basically any dictator you feel fits the bill can also be added. 
The branding of Democrats by these fine terms are beginning to stick, mostly because they are true. If you think the government is the answer to all your problems and not God, then you are probably a communist. If you want to silence, censor and shame those who support President Trump or any other candidate or ideology you disagree with, then you are indeed a fascist. Typically fascists are found on the far right of conservatism, but the Democrats have taken over that fine bully pulpit. They will cancel you if you don't fall in line with their stringent, utopian ideology. If you support the violence and intimidation used by the rioters to force their agenda and to "get their message heard" then you are a violent and pathological anarchist. If you want a Utopia where no one is racist and people are forced to live your idea of morality, then you are a puritanical authoritarian. Typically puritanism belonged to the GOP and liberals were the ones who once defended free speech and liberty, but again, roles have changed. Communism doesn't allow for misbehaving. If you think that you are superior because of your education or economic status, then you are an elitist that probably asserts your aristocratic special-ness to open the eyes of  the uneducated rednecks and uncle Toms. If you use words like nuance to intimidate discussion, then you are a propagandist and bougie liberal. If you think that people who you deem as racist, by your narrowing definition of microaggression insinuations, should lose their jobs, their livelihoods and never work again, then you are not only a dictator but you are also an asshole. 

Racism is ugly. Most people in America despise bigotry in all its forms, but it would appear that to cleanse America from this sin, the left wants to force us into a society where they will police our very thoughts and strip us of our freedom to progress on our own. They will force you to adhere to what they deem as righteous or you will be punished. So there you have it my friends. Inflammatory politics coming to you live! Prove me wrong....and add to either list of name calling, I'll gladly add it.


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