We can shorten that to lib-splaining so it's easier for it to go viral. Lib-splaining is by definition: When a white liberal has to explain to a white conservative or a white person over the age of 45 or a boomer, possibly a gen X'er or a black conservative or any other minority that chooses to be a conservative, what racism, oppression, microaggression, white privilege, systemic inequalities or any other political accusation known only by informed liberals who attended a renowned University or received a degree from YouTube, follows a feminist celebrity like Alyssa Milano on Twitter or is informed by watching late night political comedy shows and who then reads a Facebook post by an unnuanced white Trump supporter that disagreed with a number of Democratic ideologies including cancel culture, virtue signaling a black square on social media that says hey look at me I'm not a racist, and censorship, is. Then the uneducated conservative who was unaware of the infraction gets a 5 paragraph lib-splaining comment by a white liberal, typically female, who takes it upon herself to teach you about your ignorance and usage of politically insensitive words or terminologies like: paddy wagon, uppity, peanut gallery, please don't tear down our statues, stop vandalizing our buildings, I like having police, please don't loot our stores, burn our businesses, yell at us during dinner to put our fist in the air and scream black lives matter or we will cut you, taser us for not wearing a mask, I do believe in science but I'm not sure which scientist is right, kneel before zod etc. etc. etc.
That was two amazing run-on sentences that are both grammatically horrible, but I love a good run-on and grammatical rebellion, because that is what you expect from a right-wing radical who hates academia. Sometimes it's a game to me, I'm not gonna lie. I try to see how long I can make the grammatically challenged sentence, mostly because I know it drives the grammar Nazis nuts. It's the little things in 2020 folks. Basically lib-splainers make shit up to be relevant and show off their college indoctrination. They are the constant teachers and we must be their pupils. Insert eyeroll here.
I have been lib-splained to a lot. Especially since becoming a "late to the game" Trump supporter. Turns out if you come out as a Trump supporter, you are probably not nuanced enough to understand what is really going on, as if liberals are invisible and can teleport themselves to secret meetings with Trump and his best friend Vladimir Putin, who it turns out is really best friends with the Biden's and probably Obama and his shadow presidency pals, do I need to name names? Can't wait for that post. Russian collusion and dirty deeds done dirt cheap, I digress.
Liberals are vehemently in line with a globalist philosophy. How do I know this? Because ANYTHING that is supportive of America or is patriotic in nature is now considered nationalism and to a liberal, nationalism is Nazism, though Hitler was a globalist, remember? He wanted world domination. You won't soon find a liberal that outwardly shows love of country, more specifically, America. Nationalists, patriots and people who sing the NATIONAL anthem are now being branded White supremacist's. This is why the social unrest regarding racism is being promulgated by Democrats, elitist athletes, entertainers and big tech monopolies. If they can tarnish America and her way of life, they can promote a more globalist philosophy which is no doubt being driven by communist China. They are 100% trying to destroy our republic and by they, I mean the Democrats. The inadvertent selling of patriotism as hate speech is your first clue. God, family and country are all dirty words to the globalist who is the modern day Democrat. Globalism intrinsically shuns these ideals because they are exclusive to Americans and the accusation of xenophobia gets thrown at you if you support closed borders. If you love America, then you are now defined by liberal Americans as a xenophobic nationalist, which is a white supremacist who hates minorities. Identity politics is dividing America and for that you can thank the interest groups and big money donors to the Democratic party that demand ideological obedience.
Slander is the first weapon used to market the philosophy of globalism. Disparage an already tarnished nation whose past has not always been a "gleaming beacon of hope upon a hill' or however the saying goes, is the first step of destruction. If you successfully slander our history, defame our founders and indoctrinate the youth to be disgusted by their heritage, then you will destroy the very foundation of our nation. Freedom is replaced by the overindulged fantasy of forced equality and moral imposition. Those who seek to purify our history and to denigrate and not honor those who paved the way for us, are sanctimonious puritans at best. Condemning those who came before us for not knowing better encourages a self-righteous cult mentality that only allows perfection and not progression. You are only guilty if you know better or were taught correct principles. Our founding fathers may have practiced things that today we find abhorrent, but they had the wherewithal to give us the amending power in the constitution. And amend we did. As we learn, we grow and progress. Americans can amend the wrongs that were perpetuated by a more primitive and less educated society. For that we should be grateful and not castigate those who paved the way. It was their ingenuity in a less enlightened and technologically advanced time that allowed America to become what it is today, not perfect, but striving to improve our country for all who want to be and are citizens of the greatest nation on earth. To sit comfortably in 2020 with wealth, opportunity, technology and the advancements of medicine and science and judge harshly the people of the 1700's with vitriolic ridicule is a disgrace and a sure way to justify the reformation of America. I reject globalism and love my country, The United States of America and I will always stand for the anthem and fly the flag because it represents all that I hold dear, God, family, country and freedom.
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